Pam Barry of BarryStaff, Inc., was tired of her buildings original old inefficient exterior light fixtures. The old fixtures were not doing the job for Mrs. Barry. Needless to say they barely worked, “being downtown Dayton we dealt with some issues with homeless sleeping behind our building because it was dark,” Barry said.
OGW Energy Resources removed her old HID wall packs and replaced them with four 4 Ft two lamp T5 energy efficient fluorescent fixtures. “The lighting upgrade helped two fold; better light for security purposes, energy savings”, commented Mike Flora. Mr. Flora, Vice President of Technical Sales for OGW Energy Resources, has 20 plus years lighting retrofit experience helping customers like BarryStaff throughout the United States.
Discussing issues with vandalism, Barry continued her appreciation for the lighting upgrade, “Thanks to OGW Energy Resources we no longer have that issue. The new lights make it bright as day now all around the building. This entire lighting retrofit experience was handled very professionally and when we get ready to upgrade our inside lighting, OGW Energy Resources will certainly be getting a call.”