Want to make your business more profitable? OGW Energy Resources can help provide your organization with a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program that improves energy efficiency, adds renewable energy and enhances your bottom line.
PACE is among one of the best financing vehicles because:
- Most projects are Cash Flow positive from day one!
- PACE covers 100% up front financing, including project development costs.
- PACE provides long-term funding with tax benefits that results in immediate benefit to cash flow.
- Stays with the building upon sale.
- PACE solves split incentives by passing payments to tenants.
- PACE increases building value and marketability.
- PACE offers a range of accounting treatments.
- Eligible Candidates include: Agricultural, Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Hotels, Sports Complexes, Multi-Family Units, and Non-Profits!
- Eligible Projects include one or all of: Solar, Lighting, Roofing, HVAC, Insulation and more!
Contact OGW Energy Resources today to learn how we can help your organization with PACE!