Are your lights costing you money? Please consider these statistics:
– Up to 40 percent of the energy bill in a building is attributable to the lighting system.
– The greatest potential for cost savings in a building’s lighting system is not attained through less expensive lamps or labor. You must reduce the energy usage of your lighting system!
When you consider how electricity costs are skyrocketing (as much as 72 percent in some parts of the country since 2005), better energy management just makes good business sense. Start by renovating your fixtures with new, more efficient lighting technology and controls. OGW Energy Resources will work with you to reduce your energy needs.
We’ll go on site to conduct a lighting system energy analysis. We’ll estimate how much energy will be saved now and for several years to come. Plus, we will estimate the monthly cost of waiting if you do nothing.
We’ll customize a lighting solution using OGW Energy Resources products and services – all designed to help your team work with greater efficiency, safety and productivity.
We show how the new system will pay for itself, often within just a few months. Plus, OGW Energy Resources Financial Services can provide low monthly lease payments for both products and labor.
Remember…..existing lighting systems are only getting older. New technologies are making the efficiencies of these old systems age even faster.
Discuss your latest lighting challenge with a OGW Energy Resources lighting expert today!
Contact us (937) 506-8133