By Mike Woody
TIPP CITY, OHIO – The State of Ohio selects less than 100 companies per year for the Ohio Business Profile program and for 2012, OGW (Ohio Green Wind) Energy Resources, of Tipp City, is one of eight renewable/sustainable businesses chosen. Furthermore, OGW is the only broad based renewable/sustainable selected this year. “We’re very honored to be recognized by the State of Ohio. It’s very rewarding to know that in little Tipp City that we are being noticed in high places,” said Ray Davis, part owner of OGW.
Each month, in a program that started last year the Secretary of State John Husted highlights a group of businesses from around the state. For the month of March, he focused on businesses that bring green to Ohio through economic activity and their commitment to the environment.
“These Ohio companies demonstrate that making good products and providing good services are not mutually exclusive with being good stewards of our environment,” Secretary Husted said.
Founded in 2006, OGW located at 5126 S. County RD, 25A, is a wholesale renewable/sustainable energy distributor and manufacturing representative company with a concentration on lighting, PV, wind, power inverters, solar thermal, fuel cell, generators and other renewable energy technologies.
OGW will be promoted on the Secretary of State’s Facebook and Twitter throughout the month of March. The added exposure is seen by Davis as a sign of validation. A high amount of positive feedback has already been received from the public. “Every time a person talks to the public is a chance to either build up or tear down your reputation. An opportunity like this really helps to validate what we’ve done. It’s a tribute to everyone in the company who’s had a hand in working really hard to get us where we’re at,” said Davis.